Tuesday 31 July 2012

Reflections for 27/7 Activity

Guides activity started with the normal procedures, falling in followed by greeting the seniors. After greeting the seniors, our PL called the sec 2s out to do a special way of uniform check. The command was really fun and it is different from the usual way like the seniors coming up to us and asking us to show them our nails and stuff.
After the uniform check, we fall back in with the sec 1s and it's time for gadget making. I really liked gadget making as it a bonding time for my patrol members and I and of course, my PL and PS. This time round, the gadget making session is slightly different from the other time. We joined patrol with patrols from the other coy, coy 1. We joined the Hibiscus patrol and we are supposed to make a temporary kitchen sink. Hibiscus patrol brought a really huge bucket which is like 40cm tall and our bucket was only 20cm. It was a huge difference so we decided to make a bigger sink, using the bigger bucket. During this time, I was chatting with my patrol about my usual joke while trying to tie a square lash. I just finished my square lash then Fiona CL called me out and gather at the lake with some other sec 2s. When we got there, Lynn QM asked us to sharpen our axes and prepare to do axemaship. As the people being called are all my friends from 2DL who went for the Pioneer course, we had a lot of fun during this time.After around 20 minutes of cutting the wood, Yu Qing didn't break any wood and was like shaving the wood's bark. We made a deal that I start a little hole for her then she continue driving it deeper so she could cut the wood.

We managed to complete our mission and for our hardwork, Lynn QM said we could stroll back and relax then fall in. When we fall in, Gwendolyn PL said we will be doing “Colours of Chung Cheng” which is a type of PT. I really liked PT as it was different from the other times when we climb up and down the staircase. We must follow what the PTI asked us to do and tap on the colour of an object.
This week's activity was fun and exciting as I tried new things with friends. I really enjoyed it and I'm sure my friends enjoyed it too. However, Guides isn't all about games and fun. Through these activities, we are supposed to learn new skills like learning how to cut the wood, independence, responsibility and team work. One for All, All for one, that's how we bring guides to greater heights.

Tying of square lash !

Experimenting with the gadget poles 

Gadget completed :)

Clearing up the gadget poles and the twines

Completed work! :))))

-Jing Yu (Sec 2)

Monday 30 July 2012

Reflections for Activity on 6/7/12

On 6 July 2012, we had our 5 point test. When the sec2s reached the classroom, everybody wanted to sit with their good friends so that they could ‘discuss’ answers but when the seniors came, they separated most of them. Before the activity, we were told to study hard for the test. Thus, on the actual day of the test, most of the questions were quite easy to do.  We had a lot of fun during the 5 point test. After the 5 point test, we did physical training (PT), the PT was really fun as it was not the normal PT. We were told to chase the seniors. It was really fun as everybody rushed towards the senior and tried to catch her. Overall, the day was very fun I enjoyed it.

-Quan Fang (Sec 2)

Reflections for Speech Day Contingent on 7/7/12

The Chung Cheng High Speech Day Contingent was held on 7 July 2012, Saturday, at Chung Cheng High School (Yishun). This contingent was the first contingent that I had participated in, even for the other guides. Since it was my first time, I lacked experience. Furthermore, I was the contingent IC for Guides which added to the pressure I faced. We had our very first rehearsal in school. Back then, we were all unsure about what we were supposed to do and often glanced around at the other UGs for help. For me, saluting had always been a problem for me. The commands were hard for us to understand as many of the commands were rifle drills, which guides do not practice. Hence, I tend to be unsure on when to salute and when to cut my salute.
The next rehearsal was held at Chung Cheng High School (Yishun) itself. During this rehearsal, many new instructions were passed down from the organizer, which further confused our guides. One major problem some of us faced was timing. As it was a contingent, we had to be professional-looking. Hence, if wasn’t recommended for us to time. It was difficult to follow the band’s beats and turning was an issue to some of the guides at the beginning. However we caught on quickly and soon we were marching in with ease. The commander often told us our mistakes and we tried our best to correct them. During this rehearsal, I was still having problems with my saluting and I tend to find myself looking at the other contingent ICs trying to figure out the correct timings for the various salutes. Because of this, I did felt a little demoralized as I felt that I had let the squad down as the contingent IC.
The actual day finally arrived. We arrived at Chung Cheng High School (Yishun) in the morning to rehearse more. As we rehearse more, I could see that the guides’ drilling was improving and they were clearer on what they had to do. As for myself, I started to get the hang of saluting and eventually knew the correct timings for the various salutes. The actual contingent started and we were all nervous as our performance was being broadcasted live to the students in the hall. Thankfully, everything went smoothly and I feel that the guides did an extremely good job. We corrected all our mistakes and took note of what the commander told our squad.
Overall, I feel that this was a very good experience. Not everyone gets the chance to be part of a contingent. I really had fun during this experience. Although it was tiring, standing under the sun for long hours, it was all worth it. The guides really persevered well even though they were tired. However, I do feel that it is a pity that Chung Cheng High School (Yishun) does not have any guides. It would have been a good experience if we could interact with guides from other schools. I hope that those that went for the contingent can share this experience with the other guides who were not part of the contingent. All in all, GOOD JOB GUIDES :)

Our Group Lunch, gearing up energy for the event!

Hardworking guides not wasting time by studying!

Fion AQM conducting uniform check! Our attire have to be perfect!

Preparing to march in

Marching In

The formed up contingent!

Awaiting the arrival of the Guest of Honour!

-Lynn QM

Sunday 29 July 2012

Pineapple turnover cake :)

Hello Guides!:D

This notice only applies to SEC2s and not the SEC1s as SEC1s will be going for their dynamite badge course.

For this week's activity, we will be having an outdoor cooking session!:) We will be cooking pineapple turnover cake. :D
For this session, two patrols will be combining into one group :)

So these are the groupings, and the group leaders are the names which are highlighted in bold. 
Jasmine&Dove, Lim Jie Ai
Ixora&Kingfisher, Angelica
Orchid & Sparrow ,Lynette Tan
Sunflower & Oriole ,Charlotte Tan
Hisbiscus & Mynah , Quan Fang

For every two patrols, please bring these following items:
1) 3 eggs
2) 1 can of canned pineapple slices (Hosen Brand)
3) 1 small packet of coconut milk
4) Each person to bring one fork and spoon
5) 2 plates
6) Ground sheet/ cardboards
7) Newspapers
8) 1 roll of Aluminium foil
9) 1 small plastic bucket
10) 1 pair of tongs
11) 1 mess tin
12) Matchstics
13) Mao mao and twigs

Please remember to bring these items for the cooking session on friday and allocate the things which are to be bought by each person :)

Thank you!:)
-Fiona CL


Hey Guides ,

This notice is for ALL GUIDES. :)

East division day will be held on 15th September 2012, Saturday at Bedok View Secondary School! :)
It will be from 8.30am-1pm.

***For those who are unable to make it on this day, please pass your parents letter to me at 3BN anytime from Monday to Wednesday. 

As usual, for this year's East Division Day, there will be several competitions for schools to participate in.
It is compulsory for every guide to participate in at least one competition.

a. Dance‐“United we groove”(SMS key: Dance)
 Duration of Dance: A maximum of 5 minutes.
 Theme for the Dance: “United We Groove!”
 No props are allowed.

b. Fashion show‐”Power fashion”(SMS key: Fashion)
 Costume must be created out of recycled materials, according to the "Girls
Empowered!" theme.
 Costume must include a costume logo.
 Participant must bring your own materials.
 Participant to prepare a short write‐up about 50‐100 words on choice of costume design
and chosen materials.

c. Cheerleading‐“Freedom”(SMS Key: Cheer)
 Duration of Cheer: A maximum of 3 minutes.
 Theme for the Cheer: “Freedom”.
 Usage of Music devices (radio, iphone etc.) are not allowed in the competition.
 Guides are not allowed to engage in any dangerous acts or stunts.
 All Coys must compose the Cheer before the competition and submit the Cheer
before their turn to perform.
 Each team is allowed to use up to maximum two types of props for the competition.

d. Singing/Instrumental‐“Musical girls”(SMS key: Singing)

 Each performance should last between 3 to 5 mins.
 Students should only be singing in English.
 For instrumental, it would be best if students were to sing alongside the musical

2. Healthy Snack Making Competition – “Food Power”(SMS Key: Snack)

 Dish should be related to theme of ‘Empowering Girls’.
o Dish should seek to educate others on making smart food choices.
o It should compromise of power food choices that will help give girls energy,
health, alertness and more in order for them to achieve their best in their daily
 Maximum budget for dish is $10.
 Preparation for the snack should be simple and creative.
 Preparation for the snack must be completed within 1 hr 30 mins and not before the
start of the competition. All materials should be prepared from the scratch as best as
 Hygiene is important! Hand gloves and aprons are compulsory in preparation for dish.
 Gloves and apron will not be provided.

3. Recycled Toy Competition‐“Power Dolly”(SMS key: Recycled)
 Stuffed toy created should be related to the theme “Empowering Girls”.
 Participants will have to bring their own materials.
 A brief write‐up (around 50 words) of stuffed toy created together with a break‐down of budget
(include receipt) is required.
 Budget for making of Stuffed Toy is $10.
 Participants are strongly encouraged to make use of recycled materials.
 The stuffed toy must be created on the day of the competition. No pre‐prepared materials/parts
or markings are allowed. A routine inspection will be carried out before the start of the
 Final product will be judged on creativity and originality of design, overall aesthetic appeal,
relevance to theme, variety of recycled materials used and write –up.

4. Mini Gadgets Competition ‐ “Mini Mini” (SMS key: Gadget)

 Each team is to create a miniature gadget that is in line with the theme “Girls
 Each team is required to bring their own materials such as disposable chopsticks, satay
sticks, string and scissors etc.
 Adhesive materials (eg. glue and adhesive tape) are strictly not allowed to be used.
 The gadget should be created on the day of the competition. No pre‐prepared materials /
parts are allowed. Sticks should not be cut or tied in advance before the competition.
 All materials are to be laid out for inspection prior to the start of the competition.
 Failure to comply with the guidelines will result in disqualification.

5. Signage‐“Recruitment Advertisement ” (SMS key: Advertisement)
 Maximum number of Guides per team: 3
 Participants will create an advertisement based on the following criteria:
o Objective of advertisement is to attract girls to join Girl Guides as a
o Reflects the theme “Empowering Girls”
o Advertisement should be mounted on a board (e.g. Styrofoam board, plastic
corrugated board, cardboard etc.)
o Advertisement should NOT exceed 1.0m by 0.8m.
 Participants must create their advertisement on the day itself so there should NOT be
any markings of design on the board or other pre‐prepared designs before the
competition starts. (The organizers will go round to check before the start of the
 Please bring your own materials such as the mounting board, paper, colour pencils,
crayon or any other colouring materials.

Fun Fair ‐ Activity/Product/ Game Booths (SMS Key: Fun Fair)
Guides must  set up an activity/product/game booth. The booth should be in line with the
theme, “Girls Empowered”.

There is a "SMS KEY : XXX" beside the name of the competition. 
Thus, please SMS your TOP 2 COMPETITION CHOICES to your PLs by Tuesday 6PM.
 (For example, if you want to participate in the fun fair and gadget making competition, please sms your PLs politely and tell them that the two competitions that you would want to participate in are Fun Fair and Gadget
. )
Please note that, due to limited spaces for each competition, you may not get your top 2 choices and may be posted to other competitions.
Ensure that you adhere to the deadline and for those who are unable to make it, please pass the parents letter to me by Wednesday.

Thank you!
-Fiona CL :)

Reflections for Coy 1 Marionette Making :]

At the start of the initiative, guides were grouped into their patrols. They were encouraged to be as creative as possible! After all, it was the time for them to brainstorm and make full use of their imagination! Be it a penguin, rabbit, turtle, duck, princess, bear, princess, etc….  The possibilities are endless!

Of course, to create a marionette requires one to go through a series of steps. Our guides started the ball rolling by modeling the body parts of their puppet! This was done by packing newspapers into the shape of the part and wrapping it with masking tape!

Then, guides had to do the wiring of the body parts and create loops at the end of the parts so as to allow the puppet to have movable joints! This was the tough part! Many guides experienced difficulty trying to poke the wires through the parts! We tried to examine what was wrong, and then we identified the problem. The newspapers stuffing should not be too compact, but should be as shredded as possible.

Also, during this step, many guides worked with pliers and wire cutters. Hopefully, they have acquired the skill of working with wires!

Unfortunately, we were not able to proceed on to further steps due to time constraint… D:
The next steps are actually to paint the puppet, make the X-shaped controller and string the puppet! To make the puppet look livelier, guides can choose to add accessories to it too!

Marionette making is actually a craft which requires tedious work. Thus, it is a good thing to see that our guides had shown much patience in the process! Hopefully, we will learn to manage our time even better while making a successful marionette!

The examples of what could be done were drawn on the whiteboard.

Guides in the midst of modeling their puppets’ body parts.

Layers of newspapers had to be shredded!

Guides figuring out how to piece together the parts.

Using pliers to cut the wires and shape the loops!

Some guides managed to do the wiring of the parts!

One successful puppet was done! A touch of colours would make it perfect!

-Xin Lei PL 

Reflections for 29/6 Activity

Last activity, 29 June 2012, we were taught the right way of folding our scarfs.We did physical training and drilling too.We did some physical training and drilling too.At the start of the drilling,i was a bit lag as i had not did it for the whole june holiday but after the drilling session, i was more confident with it. After that, we were also told to stand in squad at the patch near the lake. The seniors were very angry and disappointed in us. Also, after hearing Si Min AQM's message , the sec 2 guides and i felt very aggrieved for Si Min AQM as it was not her fault and still she apologised. Sorry seniors and thank you for what you had done for us.

-Jasmine Lim (Sec 2)

Wednesday 25 July 2012

27th July 2012's activity!:)

Helloo Guides!:D

For this week's activity, please fall in at the concourse by 2.30PM SHARP with guides half-u and pe shorts inside:)(Aka PT kit)
Please ensure that your WHITE socks are pulled up to at least 4 fingers above your ankle, fringes all pinned up neatly, finger nails cut short, shirt tucked in etc before you fall in or else punishments will be given.

Please also read up on pioneering skills in your guides handbook BEFORE ACTIVITY.
Please bring a plastic bucket(about 20-30cm in height) PER PATROL also.

Rest well and hydrate yourselves before activity on Thursday!

See you guides!:D

-Fiona CL :)

Saturday 21 July 2012

Coy 1 Marionette Making

I N S T R U C T I O N S    F R    M A R I O N E T T E - M A K I N G - C O Y 1

First of all, if there is any of you who wants to redo the body parts, i recommend that you cut out the wire FIRST. Using a plier, make a loop at both ends. THEN, wrap newspaper around it and tape the thing with masking tape. 

Many of you find it difficult to poke the wire through the parts because the newspaper stuffing is too thick, especially if you have folded it in layers. If you want to do the modelling of the body parts FIRST, try to stuff it with shredded newspaper.

The joints are created by interlocking loops.

Always remember to estimate the right length of wire to cut out. It should not just be the equal to the length of the body part but should be slightly more than that, enough for you to form the loop at both ends. The loops should not be too large either, if not your puppet will look weird.
Sorry if this looks wrong. This is how i use one wire to connect a pair of legs. The other end of this wire is connected to the wire from the head. (joint at the neck area) Therefore, it is ashape in the body. 

Ultimately when you are done with your puppet, you can paint it! After the paint is dry, you can add on accessories to it. Make it as lively as possible!

The final step is to string the puppet. You don't have to string it the way i did. Up to your own choice, be it the legs or arms, etc. The X-shaped controller is made using a pair of wooden chopsticks.

X in Lei P L ♥ ㅇㅅㅇ♥

P.s If you need more wire, do ask me for it. 

Friday 20 July 2012

Sec 2 Volunteers for Science Festival!:)

Please note that this event is cancelled! Science Festival has been postponed to 5 Nov. More details will be released later.

Sec 2 guides will join in Friday's activity on 27 July as per normal.

Hi Guides!:D

This notice is only for SEC2 GUIDES :) 

Chung Cheng will be having a Science Festival next friday, on 27 July, from 12.30pm to 5.30pm in school. Thus, I need 25 sec2 volunteers to help out in this event. :DThose who volunteer will be excused from guides.

For those in coy1, please sms me and for those from coy 2 , please sms Jia Wen CL your name and class by this Thursday 9PM :)

Take the initiative to volunteer, guides! :D

Fiona CL :)

Wednesday 18 July 2012





for the secs ones, who dont know what edd is :), is a day, when guides from many many schools in the east, they come together and participate in many competitions. most of you will be in competitions , or manning the booth. detail will be posted later on :)  ITS A VERYYY FUN DAY :)

~JiaWen CL :)

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Combined National Camp for sec2s and sec3s :D

Hello Guides!:D
This announcement is for SEC2 & SEC3 Guides:D 
Something exciting is comingggggggggggg~ :D
There will be a National Camp held in Pulau Tekong (San Yong Kong Camp) from 25 – 28 Aug ’12. It is organised by the NCC together with 8 other Uniformed Groups, (UG) including GGS.
 The theme “Challenging the Resilience of Our Youths” reflects the key objective of challenging our youths through interesting and tough activities and enhancing leadership skills through leading opportunities and teamwork. 
 The Opening Ceremony will be held on 25 Aug’12 at 7.00 pm. The GOH will be the Chairman, NCC Council.  The President of the Republic of Singapore will visit the camp on 27 Aug’12 at 7.00 pm for the closing ceremony and campfire.  All campers will leave Pulau Tekong for the mainland on 28 Aug’12 after lunch.
 The campers would make up of 500 cadets from different UGs and 40 places are allocated to Guides. And our school is allocated to TWO PLACES. 

PLEASE NOTE THAT : Applicants MUST be Singapore citizens and must meet the following criteria:
·         Free of allergies (food, sand, grass, insects bites, etc.)
·         Not suffering from any chronic illnesses (asthma, breathlessness, migraine, etc.)
·         Weight for height ratio: 90% to 110%
·         Be able to cycle
The cost for this camp is $30, but the school will subsidise $20, so you only need to pay $10!:D
Sadly, we only have TWO PLACES AVAILABLE FOR THIS CAMP! It is a very rare opportunity for guides to interact with other UGs from all over Singapore!:) So treasure this opportunity, guides!:D It will be very meaningful for you as additional experiences and adventures throughout your life in Guides and Chung Cheng!:DDD
So regardless whether you are in COY1 or COY2, just message me your name and email address :) FIRST COME FIRST SERVE!:DD
Thank you!:)

20-07-12 ACTIVTY :D


for this week activity, please fall in at 230pm sharp with your guides full uniform
(polished badge, 4fingers high socks, shirt tucked in etc )with beret too. we will be having flag raising :)
please bring your guides grey tee with hanger too :D


For coy1, you will be doing marionette making! :)YAYYYY
PER PERSON, you will need to bring the following
one roll of masking tape
1 stack of newspaper
wire cutter
painting materials
decorative items (beads etc) (optional, but please bring if possible )

For coy2, you will be doing popiah making! :D WHOOO~~
PER PATROL, please bring the following
Sweet sauce (THIS IS A MUSTT :P)
any ingredients you want to be in your popiah (fishcake etc BE CREATIVE :D )
hard boiled egg cut into cubes
fork, spoon, plate (disposable)

~JiaWen CL

Monday 16 July 2012

5-Point Test

Hi Guides :)

There'll be 5-point test on this Friday's activity.

Sec 1s to study Community 1.1-1.3
Sec 2s to study Community 2.1-2.2

Study hard guides ! :D

~Min Hui ACL

Thursday 12 July 2012

Activity on 13/7/12!:)

Hi Guides!:)

For this week's activity, please fall in at 2.30PM SHARP at the concourse with your Guides half u:) please ensure that your fringes are pinned up, socks pulled to at least 4 fingers above your ankle, shirt is tucked in, finger nails are cut short and please wear white socks. Please also wear pe pants inside :)

To all sec2s: you will be having your retest for entertainer's badge tomorrow. Please make necessary preparations and come prepared and confident :D do note that we have already informed you about this test two weeks before. Refer to blog post titled " Retest for entertainers and speakers badge for sec 2s + handing in of camp christine fund :))" on 1st July. So please put up your best performance :DDD

See y'all guides!:)

-Fiona CL:)

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Important announcement

Hi Guides,

Please note that there will be normal guides activity on 8 Aug 2012 (Wed) to replace Friday's activity (National Day Holiday).

Guides activity will be from 12.30pm - 4.30pm. As the school canteen will be closed, please inform CLs this Fri whether you would want to order packed food (rice) for lunch. These packed food will be from the canteen. We will collect payment for the lunch packs on another day. Alternatively, you could also pack your own lunch from home.

Ms Juni

Friday 6 July 2012

Reflections for June Camp(19/6-21/6)


Day 1:
The first day of our first overnight camp proved interesting. Some of us unduly worried for what laid ahead of us, some clearly overexcited. The opening of our first Guides camp was simple and something all of us had experienced at least once before: the breaking of colours. Still unaccustomed to the long event, our juniors could be seen rather uncomfortable after standing still for so long. The rest of the day included our group bonding, tent-pitching, indoor cooking, shower and night-walk.

  • Group bonding was a chance for most of us to get to know each other for the first time. It was a good start to our camp and most of us were happily exchanging words within our groups and beyond as we did painted our group flags which were a combination of our ideas as a group.
  • Tent-pitching was very much the most enjoyable activity my group had concluded. It held the very essence of Guides and was definitely the best experience the Sec 1s had to have  their first tent-pitching with fellow guides than brother scouts.

    Katty AQM & Jiawen CL in action!

  • Indoor cooking was an activity many guides actually looked forward to. Our only problem was the managing of time:P Nonetheless our fellow guides enjoyed the interesting feel of cooking away from the messy kitchen. 

  • Shower- quick and easy. Manageable for most people.
  • Night walk was very interesting. We asked around and got along with other groups to help us. Ends up, we helped more than got help.. Either way, it doesn't really matter about winning:) 
  • Sleep, I love tents. Not everyone else did though. Be it the heat, the toad or other factors. Sleeping outdoors is a good experience for all. 
Day 2:
Main event of the day, hiking! Unexpected end with a little touch of cheekiness. Lunch, gadget-making, intensive drilling, PT , dinner-indoor cooking, shower and Running Man.
  • Hiking was given a good start with an early morning warm up exercise and some good cheers as we waited for our cue to set off. Waiting for our turn, my group being last, gave us a lot of time for us to talk and understand each other better before the solemness was broken by a monkey news flash. The trip along the reservoir was quiet which gave us all a chance to settle within ourselves to reflect upon ourselves and enjoy the serenity of the place. The trip was cut short only by more monkey news and we found ourselves back and cheering in the extra time. 
  • Gadget-making is yet another important aspect in our guides experience. Knots and gadgets were a sign of our independence from factory produced items. We were having fun laughing over each other getting our fingers tangled into the twine and the juniors ended up being much better than how most of us were in sec 1.
  • Intensive drilling and PT are inevitable in guides, not that they are not fun that is with cheering and training.
  • Running Man is possibly the funnest activity along with tent pitching. We were hiding and running and holding our laughter so hard we could burst. The tension was enough to keep many of us going for round 2 and 3 and on if not for our sleep. 
    Day 3: 
    We were all up earlier, most of us to catch the last hours of our first guides overnight camp ever. Breakfast was good and just two hours later, our tents and all had been taken down and cleared up, as if we had never been there at all. Less than an hour later, we were released after the closing ceremony. 3 days passed so quick. 

    These 3 days we as guides learnt to improve and brush up our skills and attitude as a girl guider. All for one and one for all. We still have a long way to go before truly being able to embrace the true meaning of being a part of Girl Guides.

    -Cheng Sing

    Reflections for Homemaker's course

    When we reached the Guides HQ, we were immediately ushered to a cozy room on the third level. There, we waited for Mrs. Mindi’s arrival. When she arrived, worksheets were immediately given out and we launched into a meaningful lesson.

    Firstly, she went through the requirements of the course thoroughly, giving us tips on how to air and make beds, washing our own shoes and to prepare nutritious meals, bringing us through the finer points of nutrients and their values. After a short period of rest, we started the hands-on session, splitting into groups to take on the different challenges such as making a bed using a flat sheet ,setting the table for Western and Asian cuisines, learning how to make pineapple jam, and hemming.

    After that was done, we cleared up and sat down for the conclusion. It was quite fun and the lessons were quite interesting and meaningful as we learned a lot from an experienced instructor.

    In conclusion, I’ve learnt how to hem as well as other useful skills . The pineapple jam was an interesting touch too!

    -Gwendolyn PL

    Fitting the bed sheet onto the bed

    Learning the proper way to set a table

    Learning the steps to hemming.

    Caroline AQM hemming in progress! 

    Trying to do the bed sheet.
    Lynn QM and Fion AQM concentrating on hemming.


    Hemming was rather tedious. Everyone needed to pay close attention to the details!

    More hemming!

    Teaching the other groups to do the bed sheet :)

    Reflection For ED Jamboree! :)


    Hey Guides! :)

    East Division Jamboree was held on 30 June, Saturday.
    It started bright and early at 8 in the morning. Guides from different schools gathered at Changkat Changi Secondary School. We even saw our friends from Anglican High that we met from international camp! :O

    Our relationship with guides doesn't only stop with our school alone. 

    Anglican Guides! 
    We gathered in the parade square and spilt into our various activities, ranging from rockclimbing to bowling, and even snow city!
    Snow City & Outdoor Cooking Group!
    Rollerskating & Gadget Making Group!

    Each guide was assigned two different activities to explore for the day!

    We also helped out at the weaving booth, where we made string art using thread!
    There were many designs to learn from, and there were many challenges.
    We sat there for quite some time trying to get a hang of it, and it was not easy as the threads were quite confusing and misleading! :(

    Completed String Art! :)

    However, the Changkat Changi guides that taught us were very friendly and patient, and in the end, after we got the hang of it, we started exchanging experiences in our guiding lives! Its very interesting to see guides in another perspective :)

    I guess string art teaches us to be patient and not give up even when things get tough or don't go your way. We threaded wrongly a number of times but we tried again and again. Once we understood it better, everything went more smoothly. We must try things with an open mind. If we tell ourselves it will be hard, it will naturally be more difficult than it actually seems. The power of a positive mind! :) 

    Our guides were in charge of manning the floorball booth! We taught guides from different schools basic floorball skills, e.g. how to hold the stick, handling the ball, game rules. After they got the hang of it, they played a friendly match against each other! It was really exciting to see them have so much spirit. :O

    Check Out Joey PS' floorball moves!!
    Kaiying QM & Katty AQM!
    Floorball teaches us what teamwork can accomplish. If everybody cooperates, everything will go smoothly. However, if there is dispute in the team, the opponents can easily find an opening to win! :(

    More photos up ahead!
    Before we start sliding at Snow City!

    Indoor cooking..our fav!
    Having fun around while waiting for our muffins to be ready..

    Blueberry muffins!
    Cooking Mee Rebus!

    Time flies when you're having fun. It was four thirty when we gathered and could be dismissed.
    With a final intro cheer, everyone went home. :)

    I had lots of fun meeting other guides and sharing new experiences.
    I hope everyone had great memories and benefitted greatly from this jamboree! :)
    ~ Fion AQM :)