Thursday 30 January 2014

World Thinking Day 2014 ~~~

Hi Guides ~~

World Thinking Day this year will be held at Changkat Changi Secondary School on 22 February 2014 (Saturday) from 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.

For World Thinking Day this year, performances and learning festivals will be organised. The booth and performance should be in line with the theme, "Education Open Doors to All Girls". Girl guides Singapore is focusing on 5 countries for this year's theme on education; namely Egypt, Benin, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Armenia and Bangladesh.

Also, due to space constraints, including the 4 emcees and those involved in the booth set-up and performance, only 30 Guides will be chosen to attend.

Sunday 26 January 2014

Reflection for 24 January

So yesterday was our third activity of the year and we didn't have cca experience. Instead we started off with me falling down and some drilling 

Reflection for 22 January

 Today, was the last day of CCA experience. We fall in at the concourse at 3pm in our guides half-uniform. After that, the sec 1s start coming to the concourse for the CCA experience. There were more Sec 1s than I expected. ^^ Next, we had roll call. After we had roll call, we were supposed to scatter. Unfortunately, I was the only one in my own patrol so I joined the Oriole patrol instead.

Friday 24 January 2014

Poster Design Competition (edited, please read)

Hi Guides ~~

There will be a Poster Design Competition in line with the GGS Carnival 2014! 

Monday 20 January 2014

Reflection for 17 January

Friday was our second activity of the year and we fell in at 2.30 as usual. After we had our uniform check and roll call, we sat as a patrol and prepared the stuff for indoor cooking. While waiting, we got to know more about the sec 1 and her name was Victoria :) We started the fire and cooked our pasta. It was quite successful and the food was yummy. Cleaning is a must and after that, we did cheering and even taught the sec ones a little :) 

Reflection for 15 January:)

Today was the very first guides activity in 2014. It was also the day of CCA Experience for the Secondary 1 students. YAY! :) We fell in at the concourse at 2.45p.m. After roll call, the Sec 1s who turned up for Girl Guides CCA trials joined us in games. We played games like ' Captain's Calling', 'Murderer' and another one where we have to guide our partners to pick up our shoes from the centre ring of the circle. We then had a mini drilling session where we taught the Sec 1s some cheers :D After which, when the Sec 1s left, the Sec 2s did some drilling before proceeding to do PT. This activity was a fun one and hopefully, the Sec 1s will join guides this year! (:  

-Natalie Chew, Mynah Patrol

Sunday 5 January 2014

Wee Kim Wee Challenge

Hi Guides, 

We will be sending two teams of 4 Guides each for Wee Kim Wee Challenge. (1 team per COY)Each team will be made up of two presenters and two cooks. This competition is open to Sec 3 and 4 Guides.

Selected Guides for Drilling Badge 2014

Hello Guides! 

We have already selected 13 guides for Drilling Badge this year! And the 13 sec 3 guides are: 

Rachel Tan 
Kah Yin 
Wi En 
Seow Khim 
Jia Yi 
Yu Qing 
Qi Yi

The above list is not arranged according to merit, don't worry!

For those Sec 3s who are not selected for this badge, do not be upset! It's not that you are worse than the others , it's just that we think that you have room for improvement and are not really ready for the test yet. Don't be depressed over it, okay? (------: 

There will be drilling sessions for the 13 of you during every guides activity. Of course, there will be extra drilling training after school for certain days too! I will update you all about the extra drilling training as soon as possible and I hope all of you would be present to perfect your drilling! Thank you, and have fun in camp! 

xoz xoz, 
Jing Yu QM. 

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Guides 2013 Initiative Survey

A survey on the initiatives done in 2013 has been sent to all of you via email. If you're unable to access your email, please complete the survey through this link.
The survey has to be completed by 3rd Jan 2014