Friday 28 February 2014

sec 3s 3.1

hello !! :))
as part of your 5 point 3.1 test, you will be required to do an hour of CIP.
please tell me your preferred choice on next wed, during activity.

Lions Home for the Elders 
4 March, 3pm - 5pm
8 March, 10am - 11.30am

Ren Ci Hospital
17 March, 3pm - 6pm
28 March, 3pm - 6pm

Canossaville Childrens Home
19 March, 10am - 4pm

thank you!
loveeeee, ying ying acl :)

Wednesday 26 February 2014

List of Helpers for Cross-Country and other updates!


This is the updated list of helpers! I/Cs are highlighted in yellow!

Sunday 23 February 2014

Activity Details for 26/02/14

Hey Guides!

Here are the details for this Wednesday's activity!

For Sec 1s, please fall in at the concourse at 3pm in your Guides half-u (Grey tee and blue skirt, with white socks 4 fingers high), nails cut and hair pinned up etc. Do note that you should be wearing School PE shorts under your blue skirt. Please also read up on Outdoor 1.1, 1.2 and 1.4 for your 5-Point in your Guides handbook.

 For the Sec 2s and 3s, you all will be heading to the Singapore Discovery Centre!!! Please fall in at the concourse at 2.30pm in your Orange Guides camp tee and your School Skirt. Those who have lessons that end at 2.30pm, please hurry down to the concourse. Do note that you should have had a heavy breakfast and packed some food for lunch. You'll be leaving your bags in the Guides room, so remember to bring a small backpack that contains your stationary, water bottle, packed lunch, and an A4 sized thing book as a backing for your reflections (booklets will be given out) 

Have a good rest and remember to hydrate yourselves!!

P.s; Those who have not handed in your WTD Poster (For the poster design competition, look back to the old post), please hand it in to your respective CL at 4 HM classroom (Old block second floor). For Sec 1s please hand it in on 26th Feb, Wednesday, during activity.

P.p.s; There's no activity on Friday due to X-country~~

hugs and kisses,
Hsin Chen ACl <3 br="" nbsp="">

Payment for Grey Tee and Track pants

Hello Guides! 

For those Sec 1s who have not paid me, Jing Yu QM, the money for your Grey Tee yet, please remember to pay me on Wednesday, 26th February. It costs $15. 

And for those who have ordered track pants with Cai Leng AQM on Friday, please remember to bring along $10 as well to pay us and get your track pants on Wednesday. 

If you are not sure if you have paid for your grey tee, you can always check with me, and if you are not sure if you have ordered track pants from us, you can always check with Cai Leng AQM. 

Jing Yu QM: 97311567
Cai Leng AQM: 91595371 

Thank you and rest well for the upcoming week! 

Jing Yu QM. 

Wednesday 19 February 2014

World Thinking Day Parade 2014 (Sequence)

Hello Guides! 

The table below states the sequence of commands and events that will happen on World Thinking Day 2014 Parade. Please get to know them well so that you guys will reduce the chances of making mistakes! 

Sunday 16 February 2014

Sec 1 bronze total defence badge work (Part 1)

Hello sec 1s!

Hope you had a great weekend :)

There will be an upcoming badge work for all of you to get the total defence bronze badge. Here's how you should do the first part of it.

This badge work consists of two parts (part two will be posted on a later date). First part is an individual work [to be done at home] worth 15 marks.

                Objective: To explain TOTAL DEFENCE (TD) and its necessity. [15 marks]
Guides are to do up a poster to promote and create awareness among the people about Total Defence. The poster must be able to effectively explain at least one of the five aspects of total defence – economic, social, military, civil and psychological defence and needs to include the total defence logo. The poster needs to be at least A4 in size, at most A3. The poster must be can hand drawn and must be fully coloured.

Posters will be graded based on how relevant it is to total defence and how effectively it can explain the aspect chosen by the guide. Detailed works will receive higher marks. The amount of effort put into the work by every guide plays a very important role in the marks awarded. Interesting and attractive work will be given a higher grade.


More details will be given on Wednesday's activity. Do feel free to ask if you have any doubts.

Thankyouuu :-)

Reflection for 14 February

today was the second activity for the sec ones. However, instead of doing something fun and crazy like what we did for on Wednesday, we did something more practical

Reflection for 12 February

Helloooo !! :D
so on Wednesday yesterday, we did our usual greetings and uniform checks. after that, we gathered in our patrols to carry out a welcome party for our cute sec ones !! :D

Reflection for 7 February

On 7 Feb we fell in at the concourse as usual at 2.45pm. It was tiring but still fun. 

List of Helpers for Cross-Country


This is the list of helpers for Cross-Country! Please check and make sure you class and index number is correct!

There will be briefing (some time later) on the what you have to do. On the actual day, you are to report at East Coast Park by 6.40 a.m. (please don't be late) in Guides half-uniform (grey Guides tee with blue Guides skirt and white socks).

Saturday 15 February 2014

Sec 2 and 3 Guides look here too!

Hello Guides! 

You guys will be going on a field trip to the Singapore Discovery Centre on 26th of February (Wednesday)! Aren't you all excited? (----: 

Please have a heavy breakfast and pack some food for lunch! (either bring from home or buy during recess)

On this day of activity, you guys have to assemble at the concourse by 2.30p.m. in your Orange camp tee and School skirt. Those who have lessons that end at 2.30p.m. , please hurry down to the concourse. 

Do note that you will be leaving your school bag in the guides room, so do bring along a small backpack for your : 
         1. Stationery
         2. Water bottle 
         3. Packed lunch 
         4. An A4 sized thin book as a backing for your reflections (Booklet will be given) 

You guys will be given a consent form on this and please pass it to Wei Ting AQM before 19th Febuary. (This is a DEADline) 

Thank you and have a good rest! 
Jing Yu QM (---: 

Sec 2s and Sec 3s Total Defence Silver Badge

Hello Guides!
This is the first time that we will be doing the Total Defence Silver badge and the Sec 2s and Sec 3s will be doing it :)

You are required to get into groups of 5 to 6 and please message your groupings to Jing Yu QM by tomorrow morning, 16 Feb.

As part of the criteria, you will have to do a 5 minutes presentation or skit depicting the 5 pillars of total defence. All members MUST be involved in the presentation or skit.
You may refer to

Also, do note that you will be presenting next Wednesday, 19 Feb during activity so do get it done as soon as possible!

Thank you and have fun!!!! :)

Ying Ying ACL

Wednesday 12 February 2014

UG Talk Video


^^Link for UG Talk Video :D

Some of you have participated in the filming of this video. (do you still remember)  For those who didn't, the Sec 1s who came for CCA Experience watched this video :>

watch it!!! :D

Notices for Sec 1 Guides.

Hello Sec 1 Guides! 

If you are free tomorrow, you will meet Carrie (Sec 3 guide) at the concourse at 1500 hours. She will bring you down to the Guides Head Quarters at Bishan to purchase your uniform. Please bring along $64 (bring $70 just in case). Please be reminded that you will have to keep your receipts so that you can pass to me, Jing Yu QM, by next week Wednesday. Do note that $40 will be refunded to you guys via your GIRO account within a month. So please keep your receipts. If you wish to pass to me your receipts before activity on Wednesday, you can always look for me in 4IT, Old Block 1st floor and pass it to me personally.

Reflection for 5 February

We had Guides activity on Wednesday^^We fall in at the concourse at 3pm in our guides half uniform. Then, we did some drilling in preparation for World Thinking Day. After drilling, COY1 went for tent pitching while COY 2 participated in the flag pole activity. The flag pole activity was very enriching because I learnt a lot of new skills. I also learnt about the importance of cooperation and teamwork.

Monday 3 February 2014

Reflection for 29 January

We had Guides on Wednesday (-: It was fun and tiring ^^ First, we fall in at the concourse.


Dear All,

1) The activity dates for Sem 1, 2014 has been updated. You can click on the tab "Activity Dates" above to see the list of dates in google calender.

2) Sec 2 and 3 Guides, please note the following important dates for your 5-point test for Semester 1.
Do note that it is compulsory to bring your Guides handbook for every test. You are required to read up the pages of the module tested before coming for the test. The dates of the tests are listed below:

Sunday 2 February 2014

Pioneer Badge training

Hello guides, 
this blog post is for the Sec 2 and Sec 3 Guides. 

There will be a Pioneer badge training on 1st March, 0900 - 1730, at the Girl Guides HQ. 
There are only 22 slots available for you all. So it's on a first come first serve basis. 

For the Sec 3 guides who wish to take up the Top 8 position, it is highly recommended for you all to attend this training and try for this badge. 

If you wish to attend this training, please text me you Full name, NRIC, Handphone number and your class.
Please text me at 97311567. 

Jing Yu QM. 

Reflections from Wee Kim Wee Challenge (COY 2)

Reflections from Wee Kim Wee Challenge (COY 1)