Monday 31 March 2014

Top 3 entries for Artist badge

Dear Guides,

Here are the TOP 3 entries for Artist badge. Congrats Guides! Keep up the good work.

Done by Natalie Chew,  Mynah Patrol

Done by Natalie Chew, Mynah Patrol

Done by Mary Thay, Sparrow Patrol

Heritage Badge Work (Top 3 Entries)

As part of the assignment for the Heritage Badge, Sec 3 Guides completed a scrapbook compiling their family history from their great grandparents all the way to the current generation. Guides were also required to complete a family tree to show the richness of their family history. Below are the TOP 3 entries. Congratulations and keep up the good work, Guides!

1st place: Scrapbook done by Wi En, Sunflower Patrol

2nd place: Scrapbook done by Hannah, Dove Patrol

3rd place: Scrapbook done by Rachel Tan, Sparrow Patrol

Sunday 30 March 2014

TOP 3 entries of Total Defence Badge Work Poster

The following are the TOP 3 posters entries for the Sec 1 Total Defence (Bronze) badge work. Well done Sec 1s!
Poster done by Ong Yun Ning, Sparrow Patrol
Poster done by Liew Jie Yun, Orchid Patrol
Poster Done by Katherine, Mynah Patrol

Healthzone Supreme Badgework

On 19 March 2014, Secondary 4 Guides headed down to Healthzone to complete the badge work. As part of the assignment, each group of seven Guides were required to purchase food items with the healthy choice symbol for donation to any of their chosen beneficiary.

The following beneficiaries were chosen by the 3 groups of Guides: Ren Ci Hospital, Lions Home for the Elders and Food from the Heart. Below are some pictures taken on the day of service.

Donations to Lions Home for Elders:

Sunday 23 March 2014

World Water Day 2014:DDD

Pictures from World Water Day 2014:)))

Reflection for 14 March:)

On friday, we fall in at 3pm and did our usual greetings and uniform check. The sec 1s were not with us as they had went out for their energy Efficiency Badge. Coy 1 sec 3s did axemanship while coy 2 did turfing to practice for our pioneer badge. It was quite fun and we manage to recap what we have learnt last week and improve on our pioneer skills. 
We also made our head gears and costumes for the World Water Day on saturday. My patrol used cardboard, newspapers and plastics bags to design and create a costume for our sec 1s. We had to use our creativity to make a costume our of recycled materials for the competition. It was very enjoyable!
All in all, friday's activity was fun and interesting as we did pioneering and made costumes. Everyone had fun and i look forward to the next activity!:)

Elissa Cheng, Sunflower Patrol


Boiling water


Preparing for World Water Day

Friday 21 March 2014

Puan Noor Aishah Award

Sorry for the late post on our PNA award 2013 ! :)

So! As all of you all know, after a year of hardwork, BOTH COY1 and COY2 have achieved GOLD in the Puan Noor Aisha Award 2013! YAYYYY! Puan Noor Aishah Award is an award to rank Guides Company's in Singapore and all of you should be proud that this is our second consecutive GOLD award! So here are some photos teehee!

Waiting waiting waiting!
Can you spot us?

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Pioneer Test'14

Hello Sec 2 & 3 Guides, 

Your Pioneer test will be on 2nd April, Wednesday, during activity.
Those who have signed up for the Pioneer course are to stay back to practice your skills next Tuesday.

The practice session starts at 1530 hours sharp, you guys are to fall in at the field. Please do not be late. You may wish to change into your PE top and school CCHM shorts underneath. There will be 4 skills that you will be practicing on: 
      1. Pitching of Fire Shelter using the Green Poncho
      2. Firelighting
      3. Axe-manship and Map reading
      4. Rope Tying

Your practice will end at around 1730 hours. 

Please use this period of time to revise your notes and recall what you have learnt during the course. 
Enjoy your March Holidays! 

Thank you and recharge well! 

-JingYu QM (------:

Total defence badge (bronze) for sec 1s

Hello Sec 1s!

Remember the other day when I told you about the second part of the total defence badge? This is how you should do the second part:

Objective: To provide incentive to participate in Total Defence. [25 marks]

This assignment consists of two parts, a photo and a write up. The assignment has to be type and printed out,

For this assignment, guides will be allowed to divide themselves into groups of 4-5. In each group, guides will take a photo of themselves and all of the members should be in the photo, imitating a certain item/body movements related to the different aspect of total defence. For example, if guides choose to represent a hut, two can imitate the roof; another two can imitate pillars, while the last one imitates a bench inside the hut (e.g. the roof represents military defence).

The photo must show at least three different aspects of total defence and each part of the photo can only represent one aspect of total defence. (For example, the roof can only represent military defence but not two aspects of total defence. This is to encourage creativity in guides.) Photos must be taken using a digital camera and must be of high resolution. It can be taken from different angles if one angle is not sufficient to show clearly what they are imitating.

A short write up of 150-200 words is required to explain the photo. Guides can choose to scan or print the photo and attach it to the write up. In the write up, guides must show their understanding of the aspects of total defence which their group have chosen and describe how the photo depicts that aspect. The write up should include five parts.

Part 1: each member’s name, class and patrol.
Part 2: short and detailed introduction stating who is imitating which part and the aspect that part represents.
Part 3 - 5: each paragraph on one part and its relevance to the corresponding total defence aspect.
Photos and write-ups will be graded based on its relevance to total defence and how effectively it can explain the three chosen aspects of total defence. Interesting and attractive work awarded a higher grade.

NOTE: Photos can only be taken using digital cameras, no phone cameras are allowed.


There will be 40 minutes allocated for all of you next Friday. 10 minutes for discussion, 10 minutes for photo taking and 20 minutes for report writing, so group leaders please ensure that your group has at least one digital camera. The E-cube room will be booked and each group will be allocated to one laptop, so each group should also have at least one thumb drive to save the word document. Report has to be printed and typed.

More details will be given on our first activity, Wednesday, next week. Feel free to text me if you have any questions.

Also, those who've not submitted part 1 (poster) to me yet, please do so next monday morning.

Enjoy the rest of your holidays :-)
Wei Ran AQM

Sunday 16 March 2014

CIP :)

HEYYY Guides :D

I have 2 CIPs available for you guys to participate in

1) Wushu Championship 2014
I need 20 people to volunteer for this.
It would be on 17 April (thurs) and 18 April (Fri) from 1030h-1830h
You will get a maximum of 5h for this CIP
Do note that this is also Yeoman service :)
Text Jazel CL if youre interested for this

2) Sports Day
I need 10 people to volunteer for this.
It will be on 27 March, and you will get 3.5h of VIA
This is only open to sec1s-sec3s
Text Bing CL if youre interested for this

Please note that you all are required to complete at least 6h of VIA per year. If you're interested, do sign up by Wed night :) If we don't get enough volunteers, we'll pick by random

Thanks :)

Lub, CLs

Friday 14 March 2014

Postpone of Home maker course for Sec 3

Hello Sec 3s,

The training scheduled for homemakers is actually on 29 March. However will be postponed to after MYE. More details will be updated nearer to the date.

Wei Ting AQM~

First Aid Course for Sec 2 and 3s

Hello Guides!

There is a First Aid course on May/June. It is a 2.5 days and you MUST attend on all days in order to pass the course. At the end of the course you will receive a card to certify that you are first aid trained! and can last for 3 yrs! 
The course is $128.40 per guides and there will be a subsidies of $40. If you are FAS or eligible for Opportunity Fund there will be more subsidies based on your family income. You can choose to pay the remaining $88.40 using your edusave if there are remaining.

These are the available dates:
Option 1: 17 , 18 , 25 May 
Option 2: 31 May, 1 , 8 June
Option 3: 11 , 12 , 13 June
Option 4: 21 , 22 , 28 June 

First 2 days of the course is 9-6pm 
Last day of the course is 9-1pm

*Sec 3 who are aiming to be CLs ACLs QMs AQMs and first aid ICs must be first aid trained!

You have to ask your parents for permission as there will be no refunds once you sign up. 
If you are interested pls text me @9764 1515 by Saturday night 9pm and tell me your IC and preferred dates! 

Wei Ting AQM~~

Thursday 13 March 2014

Details for World Water Day Celebrations ~~~

Hi Guides :-D

Here are the instructions for World Water Day celebrations this Saturday

Energy Efficiency Badge

Hello Sec 1 guides! 

For tomorrow's activity, you guys will be heading to the PSA building again for your second session of the Energy Efficiency Badgework. 
Please remember to bring your COMPLETED assignment, a calculator, photocopied version of your electricity bill and your pencil case. You can bring a smaller bag to bring all these materials to the PSA building. 

Assemble at the concourse latest by 1450 hours, do not be late. Be in your PE attire with skirt and PE pants underneath. 

Also, please ask your father to check his GIRO account to see if $40 has been refunded into their account. 

Thank you, rest well and good luck for the last day of common test! 
JingYu QM

Monday 10 March 2014

Reflection for 7 March:)

Today we fall in at 3pm, 15minutes later than usual, in guides full uniform for the sec 2s.  Everyone had to bring their guides full uniform except the sec 1s as it's photoshooting day !!:D First we greet the seniors as usual and did uniform check. Some of the ex seniors came back today and I was happy that they came back to visit us:) Then the sec 2s had their drillings. I feel that we should continue working hard for our drillings and put in more efforts as we are already seniors of the sec 1s and we should set a good example for them. During drilling, I felt that I was quite lag for some of the commands and I hope I can improve on that. Next we had cheering session YAY!! Cheering sessions are always full of laughter and fun and I really love cheering sessions:)  Then the sec 2s and sec 3s went to do our total defence badge work and I'm glad that we all manage to pass. Lastly we had our photo shoot. But before photo shoot we did our sizing first. I feel that time really pass very fast as last year I took the photo as a sec 1 and now I am a sec 2 so we should all cherish our moments with each other before the seniors step down.

Tian Wen Yi
Orchid patrol 

Falling in...


Sec 1s during kim's game!

Reflection for 5 March:)

On the 5th of March , we falled in at 3pm and had our roll call . The sec 3s then went to have their canvas pitching and the sec 2s went for drill and we learnt got to improve some drills (: like moving three steps to the front , back , left and right (: although we didn't do it very well , but I think all of us did put in effort in trying to do our best to memorize the command and I think we would be able to do it very soon (-: We then had gadget making , where my group made a shoe rack , I think we didn't really do a good job as the sides of the shoe rack was loose and thus I think we could have improved more on our gadget makings (: afterwards , we had our patrol BBQ party!! it was really fun as it was the first time we had our barbecue party during cca ^^ we brought food to barbecue and got to spend more time with our seniors and juniors which I really enjoyed very much and hope to have another one again ;D 

Vanessa Lau , Sparrow Patrol

Pitching of flag pole...

Shoe rack making!


Sunday 9 March 2014

activity details for 14 march!

hello everyoneeee

(there is no activity on Wednesday!!) ((remember that!!))

As for the activity on Friday, fall in at 3 p.m. sharp (by 'fall in', it means you have to finish greeting ALL of your seniors) in Guides half-uniform. Please make sure your attire is up to standard! Have your lunch before coming for CCA as well!

Sec 1s, you will be leaving for the PSA building to take your EEC test. Sec 2s, you will be having a 5-point test on Personal and Social Development 2.2! Please study for the test! COY 1 Sec 3s will be doing axemanship, and COY 2 Sec 3s will be doing turfing and water boiling so read up on it and all that jazz!!

There will be PATROL CORNER *jazz hands* on Friday as well!! It has been mentioned in yingz&bingz's previous blog post (click here if you've missed it) that each Patrol would have to dress 4 Patrol members up! Use this time wisely and come up with good ideas!! :D

erm yeah that's all study hard and good luck for common tests!!!!

see you on friday!!!! ;-D

((guess who))

Saturday 8 March 2014

world water day 2014

hey Guides!
the theme for this year's WWD is Water and Energy!

it will be held on 15 March 2014, Saturday and all CCHMS Guides to meet at 7.20. The expected dismissal time is 11.30am.

Guides are to report in their half uniform and please remember to bring a hat, raincoat and water bottle. (optional: camera and handphone)

There will be the following competitions on that day itself :
a. *Best dressed 'Water Droplet' *(Top 10 Individual participants)
b. *Best Unit 'water droplet' head gears * (Top 10 schools)

Please note that all Patrol Leaders or Patrol Seconds will be given 40 min preparation time during activity on 14 March to prepare an elaborate head gear for their patrol. Each member of the patrol must have a separate elaborately designed water droplet head gear which is in line with the theme of the event. Each patrol is also required to dress four members from their patrol for the best dressed water droplet competition.

c. *Best dance item* (Top 5 schools)
We are not participating in this competition due to the lack of time. 

By going for the WWD2014, you will be able to get/go for :
a.   One Goody bag and one GGS-PUB Water Challenge Commemorative Patch
(Collector's item, not to be wore on uniform) for all GGS participants only

b.   Wear tattoos of water mascots (provided by PUB)

c.   Write water message on Post-its (provided by PUB) to be pasted on the
wall near fountain at MB.

d.  Self-design and dress as a 'Water droplet' for GGS project runway.

e.  Make you own 'water droplet head gears' and wear them during the walk
(you may use the picture in this email).

f.   Dance related to the Water & Energy themed (lead by external vendor).

g. Learn about how you can challenge yourself to do the GGS-PUB Water
Challenge Badge at the GGS Education Booth.

h. Workshops for Sailing

i.  Workshops for Windmill making

j.  Take creative photos aligned to the theme and participate in the PUB
Instagram Challenge. 

For more information, please visit

love , Ying & Bing :-)

Sunday 2 March 2014

Reflection for 19 February:)

On the 19th of February, we fell in at the concourse at 3pm and did the usual stuff like row call. We then proceeded to the Grand Auditorium to have our World Thinking Day rehearsal with the scouts. We practiced longer than the scouts as we had to help the sec1s work on their turning. Although it was tiring, it was worth it as our schoolmates would get to see a very uniform squad :)  After the rehearsal, we had out Total Defence Silver badge test. Most of the groups did not pass and I felt that all of us should have worked harder. Ms Tan also pointed out our mistakes so that we can improve on them. I hope that every one of us can pass the Total Defence badge for our retest :)

Wang JiaYi, Mynah Patrol

Practicing for World Thinking Day:)

Total Defense Badge test in progress...

5 March (wed) and 7 March (fri) Activity :D


Wednesday 5March
1. Fall in in Guides half u at the concourse at 3pm sharp with your socks 3 fingers above ankle, hair neatly pinned behind, with nails that are short and neat and also for sec1s, if you have not alter your skirt or punched holes for your belt, please get it done by wednesday. Also, have your meals before coming to cca :)

2. Sec3s you guys will be having canvas tent pitching/Flag pole pitching so do hydrate yourselves before coming okay

3. AND WE HAVE WON GOLD FOR PUAN NOOR AISHAH AWARD 2013 YAY!!!! So we'll be having our PNA celebration on Wednesday!! We'll be having a Patrol BBQ partay! soooo please bring the following items:

-Wire mesh
-Match Boxes
-BBQ food (eg. marshmallows, satays, otahs, chicken wing-at your own risk hahaha, fishballs, sotongballs, butter)
-Satay stick (to poke the food??)
-Loads of maomaos and twigs (please bring your patrol sec1s to pick maomaos and twigs)

4. Sec1s please try to memorize our Guides intro cheer cos we'll be doing one loud one during our celebration :)
"We the Girl Guides marching on the street x2,
Looking smart and looking neat x2,
We got strength that you cant fight x2,
We got spirit you all lack x2, 
1 1 2 2,
Hey How Hey Why, 
Guides just wanna have fun time and time,
Rock you baby, 
yeah, yeah, 
Hey How Hey Why,
We show our best to you, 
Chung Cheng Girl Guides Number 1,
We are the best alright!"

If you're unsure of the tune, go scrolll down the blog to this blogpost that Jazel CL put up that has the sec1 recruitment video :D we did half the cheer inside XD or you know like Whatsapp got this recording function now? you can get your patrol members to record their voice of the cheer :D

Friday, 7March
1. Fall in in the concourse at 3pm sharp, have your meals before coming

2. Sec1s, assemble at the concourse in Guides Half u (grey tee and blue skirt) and make sure your socks are high enough, hair neatly pinned back and also nails are short and neat, at 2.05pm sharp. Sec1s you all will be going to PSA building for your Energy Efficiency Course with Ms Anisa :) and you will come back to guides at ard 5.15 pm so do leave your bags in the guides room but bring along your water bottles, pencil case and also you will need to bring one of your utility bills for the course :) 

3. Sec2s fall in in Guides FULL UNIFORM! Make sure your braids are neat, fringe is neatly pinned to the back, nails are short, badges are polished, socks are high enough, and pls tie your scarf nicely. Make sure it is a 2cm by 2cm square at the front and make sure your scarf is of the same length and DO NOT IRON THE ENDS OF YOUR SCARF it's really ugly cos you can puff it afterwards. If you guys need help tying your scarf, do approach your seniors. Also, bring along your beret. 

4. Sec3s please fall in in Guides half u and bring along your Guides Full U to the concourse before falling in. Make sure you polish all your badges and bring your beret along. Tie your braids before coming for CCA.

5. Sec2s that are supposed to have your personal and social development retest please prepare a skit beforehand on how you can control your feelings when met with a situation (eg. someone insults you, online bullying, etc)

6. Sec2s and Sec3s who have yet to complete your total defence silver presentation, you all will be having it on Friday so do come prepared and please project your voice when presenting

7. Sec3s you guys will be having your5 point test on social and personal development 3.4 so study for it!!

8. Sec3s will be pitching canvas tent/pitching flagpole on friday so do hydrate yourselves and also bring your bottles to the field.

9. WE ARE HAVING CCA PHOTOSHOOT ON FRIDAY!! So do ensure that you wear your Full Uniform nicely and neatly. Sec1s you all will be wearing your Guides half u since you have not been enrolled yet. SO LOOK PRETTY ON FRIDAY :D and also, do not forget to bring any part of your uniform. CCA will end at 6.30pm instead since our photoshoot slot is quite late. So do inform your parents about it. 

And do note that we will not be having CCA on 12March as it is common test week. :)

Bing and Ying :D

Reflection for 26 February:)

On 26 February, while the sec ones stayed in school sec twos and threes gathered at the concourse at 2.30 because we were going to the discovery centre to get our sliver total defense badge!!(: When we reached, we settled down at the auditorium and the trainer explained to us what we were supposed to do. There were five different stations that we're suppose to complete which is also based on the respective five pillars.We were grouped into groups of five and we went around discovery centre to complete the tasks. It was really really fun and my group finished first!(: It was a good experience and I look forward to other such activities!(:

Erin Tay, Dove Patrol

A little insight on the sec 1s!