Wednesday 29 February 2012

5 Point (sec 2 & 3) & Enrolment test (sec 1 only)

Helloo Guides,

We're having 5-point next week ! The Sec One's Enrolment Test would also be on the same day.

Sec Ones:

1. Sec Ones, if you don't know what the enrolment is, it is basically a checkpoint that leads you one step closer to being an official Guide!
Hence, we would like you to have your Enrolment test to test you on your knowledge about Guides.To accomplish this, you need to complete 2 things.
A. There will be a written test on 9th March.
B. There will also be an oral test on the 21st March.

The topics covered would be from your Guides Handbook, pg 16-48.

2. You would also have to complete the 5-point module annually. This is a section of the HOME sector of the 5point test. Please PLAN a healthy,nutritionally balanced meal that includes foods from each of the four food groups (if possible) and that the amount must be suitable for the number of people in your patrol. Hand this in by 7th March, to either Anna ACL or Jie Er ACL(4CR, old block 2nd floor).

Sec Twos:

1. A. Please study for HOME 2.1-2.3. There will be a written test on 9th March.

B. The second part of the test will be revealed to you later. Please anticipate it :)

Sec Threes:

1. A. Please study for HOME 3.1-3.2. There will be a written test on 9th March.

Lastly, please STUDY for the tests. (Sec2s, although you have common tests, please still study for 5-point.)
Thank you:)


Tuesday 28 February 2012

Trip down to HQ & sec 3s involved in footdrill badge

Hey Sec1s,
Please be reminded that you'll need to meet in concourse at 3pm sharp if you're going to the HQ to buy full u. Remember to bring enough money, see you!

Hey drilling badges sec3s,
There's no drilling practice tmr aft sch. We'll sms you all if there's one. Do learn your commands well especially those that u alr know. Familiarise yourself with 5.2 in guides handbook on ceremonies, learn the commands and steps, you’ll need to know how to command for it, what the command means and how to perform the commands. It’s important to learn them well because any session we have to practice, short or long, is very precious! Avoid blanking out when you give commands and drill properly. We will give you all chance to practice your basic commands, ceremonies and teach you all the new commands. You can practice on your own too. Never neglect the basics of heels tgt toes apart, feets apart to shoulder width during senangdiri, 90degrees and lock your arms etc. It’s not an easy badge to get so put in your best, jia you! :D

~QMs & AQMs

Friday 24 February 2012

Sec 1 Uniform Purchase

Dear Sec 1s,

Breakdown of cost for uniform purchase are as follows:

Beret- $7.70
World badge-$1.80
Scarf- $2.70
Belt- $4.20
Buckle- $2.40
Hook and clip for belt- $0.80
Whistle- $2.20
Penknife- $1.30
Guides handbook- $10.00
Patrol emblems - $1.40 (find out which patrol you belong to by looking at the 'Ranks & Patrols' page)

Total: $62.30

We will purchase company tags ($1.50 each) for you. So you do not have to pay for it.

Do note that everyone will receive subsidy of $40 (MOE grant). It will be given to you in the form of a cheque latest by April.

Those with financial difficulties, please do not be shy and feel free to approach Ms Juni so that we can work out something for you.

World Thinking Day (in school)

Well done, Guides! :)

Thursday 23 February 2012

Flag Day CIP

Hi Guides,

Those who are 14+ years old and above (current sec 3 can join too!), and you are trying hard to clear your CIP hours, there is a CIP work for you all :)) 

Event: Flag Day for the deaf community
Date: 14 March, wed (during march holiday)
Time: anytime slot between 8.30am to 7pm
Location: Islandwide (donation bag to be collected from Bugis, Boon Lay, Toa Payoh, Tampines and Woodlands)

If you are interested to join, pls sms me by 1 March.


Reflection for World Thinking Day Celebration Wide Games (Champion!)


Honestly speaking, it was my first time participating in an actual amazing race(wide game). It was an invigorating experience with Kezia, and the two brownies from Yu Min primary. We had a blast!

We were first given a map, a question sheet and just 45 minutes to complete the race. Unfortunately, the weather wasn't too favourable and it was pouring! To ensure the safety of the 2 brownies and ourselves, we made a pact that in whatever situation, SAFETY COMES FIRST. The first stop was at the walkway along Mandarin Gallery. We had to view all 9 glass information panels along the gallery and find out which of those had plant-related information. After spending around 15 minutes at the bustling walkway, we ambled to Somerset 313 shopping mall, level 5 and counted the number of green columns in the place that was packed with plants. On the way, we had to keep a look out for "special" dust bins that were used for recycling purposes (as stated in the question). There were also 2 questions that were related to eco-friendly shops. By right we had to visit Centrepoint to figure out what the shops are. However, using our prior and general knowledge, we figured out the shops-- Starbucks and The Body Shop ! After filling up our question sheet, we reported back to the game masters.

I am very honored to represent COY 1 and CCHMS Guides in the Wide Games. I bet both of us did not expect to actually win a prize because of stiff competition from all the schools in Singapore. Nevertheless, I am very happy that I can actually make a contribution to Puan Noor Aishah award for COY 1 and I would like to thank the seniors and teachers for giving me this chance. Thank you! :)

- by Fiona Ong, Ixora patrol COY 1


Through this wide game, I learnt map-reading skills as we had to navigate around the area using the map given to us. This game also taught me to be independent and not rely on others when faced with problems, such as when we were not being able to find the answers to questions and had difficulties finding our way around initially. However, we did not let these problems get the better of us and worked to solve them together. We worked as a team and would always look out for one another during the game, never neglecting anyone. All 4 of us worked really well as a team as we communicated our thoughts and ideas with one another efficiently, leading to smooth completion of the game. Without one another's support, we would never be able to emerge victory. I think this game is fun and enjoyable and I would definitely love to participate in it again if given the opportunity!

- by Kezia Neo, Jasmine patrol COY 1

Guides Outing after cross country! 24/02/12


This outing is not a Guides activity and is NOT compulsory. Pls seek your parents consent before attending. Tmr outing is just plainly for FUN and also to let the Guides family bond tgt.

For tmr, we will be staying around ECP playing some games :) The outing will start after cross country and end around 6plus, but you can leave anytime you want if you have something on :]

Meeting point will be the nearest toilet closest to the dismissal area. Feel free to call Catherine or me (83883490) if you cant find us. Attire for the day will be whatever you all will be wearing tmr (eg class tee, pe attire), but you all will need to bring extra set of clothes to change as we will be playing water games! ^^ You can also join us on the spot even if you forgot to sms us. :)

things to bring tmr:
-extra set of clothes (sec 2 and 3 to wear green camp tee, any shorts is allowed EXCEPT FBT!) ( sec 1 can wear anything except FBT too)
-slipper (optional, encourage to bring)
-picnic mat (if you have)
-skipping rope (if you have)
-snacks (tidbits and soft drink)
-water bottle
-enough money for lunch

We hope you can turn up so that all of us can have a chance to bond tgt. GUIDES IS A BIG FAMILY!
Hope tmr games will be fun for you all!


Details for Civil Defence Course

Note to those going for civil defence course on 25 Feb:
Please be reminded to go early as the place is difficult to locate.
Remember to bring your own packed lunch, stationery and water.
If an assignment is tasked to you, please finish the assignment before you leave the venue.
Details on how to get there were posted previously. Please click on "Archives" --> "February 2012" and scroll down to find the post.
Thank you. 
~QMs and AQMs

Tuesday 21 February 2012

220212 Guides Activity - World Thinking Day :))

Hi Guides! :) It's World Thinking Day! :D

For tmr's parade in the morning, please fall in in the concourse by 6.40am LATEST. No late comers please. Greeting will take place after 6.40am. There will also be uniform check, so please ensure that your uniform is neat and tidy.

Every attire mistakes and latecomers will be given double punishment.

Make sure that your: 
  1. Scarf is ironed and tied neatly
  2. 4 fingers high white socks
  3. All badges pinned and sewed
  5. Shirt tuck in neatly (we must be able to see your belt)
  6. Cut your fingernails
  7. Braided hair with pinned up fringes

For Sec 1s ensure that you are:
  1. Wearing school full uniform
  2. 4 fingers high white socks
  3. Fingernails cut
  4. Hair pinned up neatly

If you have P.E. tmr, you are supposed to change into your PE shirt before your lesson and then change back to full guides uniform after that lesson (or during recess).

If you have no idea how to braid your hair, make sure that you come on time so the seniors will be able to help you :)

Do remember the Guides Promise and World Song by heart! Say them out loud with pride :DDD

For tmr's activity, please fall in in the concourse by 2.30pm in full guides uniform. Sec 1s, please fall in in school half uniform. For those who will be ending lesson late, please also report at the required time and we will give you time to eat later. If possible, have a heavy lunch instead :)

For those who have been missing the past few activities, please take the initiative to hand in your MCs to the STs before activity starts.

Sec 1s to bring $18 tmr for the guides tee.

Do get ready your skit by tmr! We are looking forward to it :D

If you all have time, do read up on the history of guides as well! Esp WAGGGS :D

That's all! :) Please have an early night today and drink enough water to hydrate yourself :)


Thank you :)

~ Catherine

Guides promise

I promise to do my best,
To do my duty to God,
To serve my country,
To help other people and
To keep the Guides Law.

Hey guides :) please do memorise the promise and be all ready for Thinking Day 2012 tmrw! Be confident and proud of guides :)

With love,
Jasmine (lim) ex CL!

Monday 20 February 2012


For activity as a patrol: (by 22/02/12 Wednesday)[exclude sec 1 in skit]
Each patrol is required to come up with a skit of less than 5mins each. The skit must reflect your understanding regarding the history of guides. Each patrol will be given a specific year term to work on. You can come up with any speech, make any props, google up information etc, but try to make the skit more fun and interesting :) The top patrol who performed the best will be given a prize!

Here are the groupings:
Sunflower & Kingfisher - First beginnings (1917-1945)
Ixora & Oriole - Consolidation and Growth (1946-1955)
Orchid & Dove - An Indigenous Movement (1956-1964)
Hibiscus & Mynah - A Singaporean Movement (1965-1976)
Jasmine & Sparrow - Towards a Hundred Years of Guiding (1977-present)

There should be 10 skits in total. You may want to check out this website for more info:

Badge updates

Hello Sec 1s!
Details on total defence badge are already posted on Wednesday 15 Feb. Please scroll down to view details on it. Please ensure that you do BOTH parts of the badgework and submit to Vivian AQM @4RP or Wan Ting AQM @4FG by 29 February 2012. The grouping for part two of the badgework are as follow. STRICTLY NO CHANGING OF GROUPINGS.
Group 1: Wong Guan Min 1JT | Chng Wen Ting Dinise 1CR | Loh Ming Li, Esther 1JT | Chua Min Yi 1JT | Lee Yu Qing 1GR
Group 2: Cheng Meng Yui, Elissa 1EP | Ong Seow Khim 1EP | Tan Xi Wen, Adele 1EP | Leong Yong Yu 1HM | Leow Ruo Qing Rachel 1HM
Group 3: Foo Jun Wei 1BN | Hannah Wong Ann-Nie 1FG | Esther Seow Wen Hui 1JT | Tan Xing Lin 1Ly | Wang Jia Yi 1FG
Group 4: Lee Kah Yin 1JT | Ng Shi Qi, Carrie 1BN | Tan Tse Qi, Rachel 1DL | Lee Hui Ting 1FG | Ng Shu Qing Eunice 1IT | Ng Wi En 1MD
Group 5: Adelle Wee Xing Min 1MD | Goh Lin Hui, Angela 1MD | Koh Qi Yi 1MD | Sheena Ng 1MD | Wong Zing Rong 1MD
Thank You.
To Sec 2s and 3s: Those who want to go by YOURSELF for CIVIL DEFENCE badge on 17 MARCH please SMS JafQi QM from Tuesday, 21 Feb, 5pm to 11pm. Those who have SMSed previously please do SMS again due to miscommunication earlier on. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Those who wish to take the transport from school do not need to SMS JafQi QM. Any SMSes sent before 5pm or after 11pm on Tuesday WILL NOT be entertained. Thank You.

Any guides with missing items on your full u please find JafQi QM at 4MD to collect your missing badges BEFORE Wednesday. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO CLAIM NEW BADGES IF YOU LOST THE BADGE ON YOUR OWN ACCORD. DO NOTE THAT PUNISHMENT WILL BE GIVEN FOR MISSING ITEMS ON THE FULL U!

All of you should have recevied the new theme patch (it's green and white in colour) from your various Sec3s in each patrol. Any guide (Sec 2-4) who have not received the new theme patch is to look for your Sec 3s. *ALL THEME PATCH MUST BE REPLACED BY WEDNESDAY! Please remove the blue theme patch and replace it with the new one.



Thank You.

Thinking Day Celebrations on 18 February 2012!

The annual thinking day celebrations was on 18/02/12. Unlike the past years, this year, the celebrations was held in the heart of Singapore, whereby guides from all parts of Singapore gathered at SCAPE for the celebrations. The celebration started with a sing-along session as we waited for the arrival of the Guest-Of-Honour, Mrs Mary Tan, Patron of GGS. Mrs Mary Tan entered as we sang the welcome song for her. Unfortunately, it started raining. We can see that everyone took out their umbrellas of different colours, which seemed to form a picture. Luckily, the rain stopped and Mrs Joy Balakrishnan, President of GGS, gave her speech. The theme for this year’s thinking day is “Together We Can Save Our Planet”. As Mrs Joy Balakrishnan took her seat after her speech, prizes were given out to the awardees of the competitions and there were performers by the winners. After which, we went to have some fun at the handicraft booth, where we could create different crafts from simple materials. After all the fun that we had, we gathered at a multi-purpose room where we had a little mass dance, and ended the celebrations with the singing of taps. Although we did not have any winning entries for the competition held before the thinking day, but COY 1 came in FIRST for the wide games held on 18/02/12! :D

~PeiQi ST :D

Sunday 19 February 2012

Purchase of Guides Full uniform on 29/02/12

Hey Sec1s!
Please take note of the following details if you're meeting us to buy guides full uniform on 29 Feb(Wed) or buying on your own.
Time: 3pm
Venue: Concourse (where you all fall in)
Amt. of money to bring: Approximately $70
What you will be buying:
-enrollment badge
-world badge
-full uniform shirt
-full uniform skirt
-buckle & belt & whistle
-guides hand book
We will lead you all to the girl guides headquarters, which is near the Bishan swimming complex and Bishan stadium. We will get there by taking train to Bishan then walk to the headquarters, the whole journey will take about 40min. Please walk at a reasonable speed when we walk to Dakota mrt and from Bishan mrt to the headquarters. If not, you will delay the whole group and we might end late. The estimated dismissal time is 5pm. You will be released from Bishan interchange. Remember to find out your way of transport back home from Bishan int. Don't be late when we meet at concourse. If you have changed your mind to go by yourself, please sms either Vivian AQM at 91908919 or Wan Ting AQM at 90762703 by 28 Feb. For sec1s visiting the HQ by yourself, please remember to buy all the items listed! The enrollment badge must be bought and passed to QMs/AQMs during the next guides activity.
Thank you!

~QMs & AQMs

Saturday 18 February 2012

Last thinking day rehearsal :)

Hey guides!

The last rehearsal will be on this coming Tuesday 21/02/12 from 4.00 to 6.30pm. Like I said, you all can choose to wear PE attire or just school uniform. Fall in at the concourse on Tuesday at 4pm.
If your protected time ends at 4plus, pls join us after your protected time.

Those who cannot attend the rehearsal on Tuesday due to valid reason, pls write a parent letter and submit to the ST on Wednesday 22/02/12.

Sec 2s and 3s, you all did a good job in today's rehearsal! :) Do keep up the good work and continue to do better on Tuesday! Try to follow the timer closely. Like I said, you all are the ones who will be facing the school, so it's really up to you if you want the school to be impressed or just 出丑 in front of them.

Sec 1s, I can see some improvement in your drilling. Do follow the timer better, as there were many of you who still lag behind and were not alert in squad. Pls try to familiarise the commands.

Sequence of the parade:
1) Fall in in senang diri position, facing the grand audi.
2) Baris sedia (same as sedia)
  • When you hear "baris", immediately jerk down your hand.
  • When you hear "sedia", place your hands by the side, locked your arms and bang with your left leg.
3) 全体竖立,升旗礼开始
4) National anthem plays, National anthem ends.
5) School Song plays, School song ends.
6) Councilor will say: The Pledge
  • Timer will say "up" and the whole squad will put their right hand on their chest immediately.
  • When timer say "down", the whole squad will put their hands down.
7) Akan mengadap ke-balakang, ke-balakang pusing (same as ke-balakang) [turn back to face the school]
8) [After flag is broken] Akan mengadap ke-hadapan, keblakan pusing [turn back to face the grand audi]
9) Scouts promise
10) Guides promise: JieEr ACL will say "tahad sedia"
  • When JieEr ACL salutes, timer will say "up" and everyone is to salute to the beret. Sec 1s, please salute to the sky. 
  • After the guides promise is said, JieEr ACL will say "sedia" and she will put down her hand. Timer will say "down", and everyone will then put down their hand.
11) Senang diri
12) Speech starts, speech ends
13) Announcement starts, announcement ends: Mr Chua will say "you all can be dismissed"
14) JieEr ACL will say "squad sedia" then "squad kelua baris" (no need to shout girl guides)
15) All of you to fall back in the concourse.

Hope the commands were useful :)
All sec 1s to bring $18 on Wed 22 Feb (activity day) for guides tee.

Thank you :))

~Lexin :)

Courses updates! :)

Hello guides! :)

To those going for Energy Efficient Programme:

Do be reminded to bring your latest utilities bills with bar chart consumption (photocopies are acceptable) and a calculator to the class as well. 1-way transport from school will be provided only on the first day of each course. Note that the venue is 460 Alexandra Road #08-01/02 & #08-06 PSA Building.

To those going for Energy Efficient Programme on 12 March + 15 March and 13 March + 16 March: please remember to submit your consent form to STs if you have not done so.

To those going for Energy Efficient Programme on 28 May + 4 June: PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE IS A CHANGE IN YOUR COURSE DATES. THE NEW COURSE DATES ARE 15 AND 22 JUNE. The 16 of you affected are: Lim Yi Lim, Desiree | Vionna Ngoh Ee Qian | Siow Jia Wen | Lee Quan Fang | Koh Jia Xuan | Koh Xin Le, Joey | Chevlene Ang Hui Min | Leow Si Yun | Katty Teo Kai Heng | Ng Hwee Bee, May | Pertina Seah Hui Xian | Soh Tian Hui | Teh Xin Lei | Tan Xiao Hui, Christie | Lim Wei Ran | Lim Jia Ying, Jasmine. Please make prior arrangements should you be leaving on a holiday.

To those who signed up for Pioneering course:
Your pioneering test will be on 28 March from 3pm to latest 5pm. THERE IS NO OTHER TEST DATE SO ATTENDANCE FOR THIS IS COMPULSORY.

To those who signed up for Civil Defence course:
Date: according to what you have selected, 25 Feb or 17 Mar
Time: 8.30 - 5pm
Attire: Guides grey tee with pe shorts (guides pt kit) / track pants
Venue: HQ 4 CD Bukit Batok Fire Station (80, Bukit Batok Road S658072, opposite ITE College West Bukit Batok)
Things to bring:
1. Stationery,
2. Water,
3. Packed Lunch/money for lunch (packed lunch is advisable as food centre is quite a distance away)

To those going for Civil Defence on 17 march, one way transport is available from school. Guides who wish to go by themselves are to SMS JAFQI QM by sunday 12pm. Those who fail to sms will have to take the bus even if they live just beside the Venue. Note that the place is VERY difficult to locate and taking the bus from school is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. Thanks.

Directions to venue (by public transport):
1. Take bus Svc No. 160 from Jurong East Interchange.
Alight opposite of Bukit Batok Fire Station.
2. From Bukit Batok Train Station, walk to road outside Bukit Batok Interchange and take 187.
Alight opposite of Bukit Batok Fire Station.

3. From Choa Chu Kang Train Station, take LRT line and drop at Teck Whye Station. Follow the route to ITE College West (Bukit Batok Campus) and Bukit Batok Fire Station should be on the left side (on the opposite side of the road) of ITE College West (Bukit Batok Campus).
Please note that the place is not that easy to locate for first-timers so do check out the venue beforehand.
Thank You. (:


Thinking day event on 18/02/12 @ Scape

Hi Sec 3s and 2s,

Those that are going for the thinking day tmr, pls report to the scape entrance to catherine CL or me at 9.15am sharp in your full guides uniform. Please also bring along your beret. Those who have missing items for their full uniform and attire will be given double punishments. 

Those involved in cookies sale are to report to Ms Esther at performing area, level 1 at 8.15am. Your duty will end latest by 3pm.

Those involved in wide games are to bring the required materials. Sijia, Jiawen, Shailyn and Pertina, the 4 of you are to join in with the rest of the guides after the wide game ends.

ALL of you (except those in craft booth and cookie booth) are to make 2 craft out of the 4 craft activity. After finishing the 2 craft, pls show it to Catherine CL or me so that we can tick it against your name.

Things to bring:
Packed sandwich (as lunch is not provided)
Water bottle (preferably plain water)
1 pair of scissors
Song list
Cash as there will be a mini carnival

All of you are supposed to report back to Catherine CL or me at the end of the session to sign on the attendance list. PLEASE DO NOT SHOP ALONG ORCHARD ROAD AT ALL TIMES DURING THE EVENT.


Thursday 16 February 2012

Activity on 17 February 2012 :)

Hi Guides! :)

For activity tmr, fall in in guides half uniform at 2.30pm SHARP. (Sec 2 and 3, do guide the sec 1 to fall in). Sec 1s, please fall in in school PE T-shirt with white skirt (tucked in) and plain white socksAll greetings must end by 2.45pm, if not there will be punishment incurred. 

Please cut your fingernails, pin up your fringe (only black hair accessories allowed), wear 4-fingers high socks. This applies especially to the SEC 1S.

For those whose lesson end late, pls also report at 2.30pm. Time will be given to you to eat later. Those who are absent for last activity, please take the initiative to pass your MC/Parents' letter to the ST’s before you fall in.

COY 2 to take note:
1. Please pass your consent form for the initiatives on cupcake baking and $6 to RuJun ST before activity starts. If you did not receive the form, do get it from me tmr. :)
2. For those who have not submitted your Green Pledge ideas to Anna ACL, please submit them as soon as possible, preferably by today. If not, I'll single you out during activity tmr.

For activity as a patrol: (by 22/02/12 Wednesday)
Each patrol is required to come up with a skit of less than 5mins each. The skit must reflect your understanding regarding the history of guides. Each patrol will be given a specific year term to work on. You can come up with any speech, make any props, google up information etc, but try to make the skit more fun and interesting :) The top patrol who performed the best will be given a prize!

Here are the groupings:
Sunflower & Kingfisher - First beginnings (1917-1945)
Ixora & Oriole - Consolidation and Growth (1946-1955)
Orchid & Dove - An Indigenous Movement (1956-1964)
Hibiscus & Mynah - A Singaporean Movement (1965-1976)
Jasmine & Sparrow - Towards a Hundred Years of Guiding (1977-present)

There should be 10 skits in total. You may want to check out this website for more info:

Sec 3s, please stay back after guides activity for about 45min.

Have lots of water tonight and sleep early! Cya :)

Thank you :)

~ Catherine :)

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Total defence badgework for SEC 1S

Total Defence Badge (Bronze) for Sec 1s 2012
Hey Sec1s! This is the first time you all are doing badgework. Doing badgework is a part of our CCA. We apply our skills to complete tasks and assignments. The purpose of doing badgeworks for proficiency badges is to allow guides to apply different skills, learn new skills, know how work with others and care for things around us. Thus, it makes our guides all-rounded and develops our guides’ character. 

After completing and passing the badgework, you will receive a badge to sew on the guides’ full uniform (we’ll bring you all to buy at a later date). This is one of the simpler badgeworks. In the future, you all can get to go for interesting courses to learn new skills! It is important to hand in your work on time just like how you should for your homework. Punctuality is very important in girl guides and all other UGs. At the same time, you won’t trouble the teachers and seniors with your late work as we need time to process your work. Please hand in your work by the deadline.
Part one: To explain Total Defence and its necessity (Individual work)
Guides are to do up a poster to promote and create awareness among the people about Total Defence. The poster must be able to effectively explain at least one of the five aspects of total defence – economic, social, military, civil and psychological defence and needs to include the total defence logo. The poster needs to be at least A4 in size, at most A3. The poster can either be hand drawn or done using the computer and printed out (DO NOT JUST COPY AND PASTE FROM ANY WEBSITE. IT MUST BE ORIGINAL.)

Posters will be graded based on how relevant it is to total defence and how effectively it can explain the aspect chosen by the guide. Detailed works will receive higher marks. The amount of effort put into the work by every guide plays a very important role in the marks they will receive. Interesting and attractive work will also be given a higher grade.

Part two: To provide incentive to participate in Total Defence (Group work) (3 groups of 5, 2 groups of 6)
This assignment consists of two parts, a photo and a write up.
In the photo, guides in each group will imitate items using body movements. For example, if you choose to represent a hut, two can imitate the roof; another two can imitate pillars, while the last one imitates a bench inside the hut. The different parts are to represent different aspects of total defence (e.g. the roof represents military defence). The photo needs to include at least three different aspects of total defence and each part can only represent one aspect. Photos are to be taken clearly. It can be taken from many different angles if one angle is not sufficient to show clearly what they are imitating. (THE IDEA OF USING A HUT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED SO PLEASE USE YOUR CREATIVITY TO COME OUT WITH SOMETHING ELSE)

A short write up of 150-200 words (cannot exceed half a page) is required to explain the photo. In the write up, you need to show your understanding of the aspects of total defence which your group have chosen and relate how each part signifies each aspect. The write up should include five paragraphs. Paragraph 1: each group members name, class and patrol. Paragraph 2: a short and detailed introduction stating who is imitating which part and the aspect that part represents. Paragraph 3-5: each paragraph on one part and its relevance to the corresponding total defence aspect.
The photo is to be printed in colour while the write up is to be typed and printed out using Arial font size 12. Both the write up and the photo must be stapled together with all names, classes and patrols of each member in the group written clearly at the start of the write up. 

Do you all know that today is Total Defence Day?:D Please put in effort and do a proper job for this badgework, a sloppy work will not be accepted. Since this is a compulsory badge, top 3 entries from each company (we’ve company 1 & 2, you will be in one of the company) will be awarded! All assignments (part one and two) are to be handed in to either AQMs (Vivian@4RP or Wan Ting@4FG) by 29 February 2012. Thank You!

~AQMs (:

Saturday 11 February 2012

World Song & Promise :)

Hi Guides! :D Please learn the Guides World Song and Guides' Promise by heart by next activity :))

World Song
Our way is clear as we march on and see our flag on high!
It never furls throughout the world for hope shall never die!
We must unite for what is right in friendship true and strong.
Until the earth in its rebirth shall sing our song, shall sing our song.

All those who love the true and good whose promises were kept,
With humble minds, whose acts were kind, whose honour never slept.
These were the free and we must be, prepared like them to live,
To give to all both great and small, all we can give, all we can give.

The Promise
I promise to do my best:
to do my duty to God,
to serve my country
and help other people,
and to keep the Guide Law.

~ Catherine :)

Thinking day rehearsal on 15/02/12

Hi Guides!

There will be activity on the 15/02/12, this coming wed to rehearse for the upcoming thinking day parade. Pls be in PE attire, as some of you might sweat and it might be very uncomfortable to do drilling in full sch uniform. You can also wear full school uniform, if you dont mind the sweating. Fall in at 2.45 on wed in the concourse. This rehearsal will end at 5pm.

Those who cannot attend on wed rehearsal due to valid reason, pls write a parent letter and submit to the ST on fri.

There will also be rehearsal on the 17 Feb, during guides activity and 21 Feb, tues. Details will be given again for these 2 activities.


Valentine's! ♥ Wrapping of roses on 13/02/12

Hi Sec 3s! (this only concern the sec 3)

Valentine's is round the corner and i believe all of you should be prepared for the sale of roses/balloons/donuts by now.

I dont know if Pertina inform you all that the wrapping of roses is on monday itself, after assembly. but yeah, i expect ALL OF YOU to stay back and help out. I understand that most of you got the OCBC talk at 7pm, it might be a little too rush for all of you, but DOOOOOOOO finish the wrapping of roses by mon latest by 6pm! Ms Juni has kindly booked a room for us to keep the roses in school :D so all of you dont have to lug it back. She has also booked discussion room 3,4 and 5 at zhulin building from 2.30 to 6pm so that you all can wrap the roses. anything not wrapped by 6pm, i expect some of you to bring it home to continue wrapping. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE assign one person who do not have to attend the OCBC talk to bring back all the roses. or simply, if possible, ask one of your parent to drive the unwrapped flower home. I NEED TO EMPHASIZE THAT THE ROSES MUST BE KEEP IN AIRCON ROOM AT ALL TIME! EXCEPT ONLY WHEN DURING THE TRAVELLING TIME where you bring the flower back and forth. i have no wish to sell wither flower on valentine's! so always ensure that the unwrapped roses that you all are bringing back are kept in good condition!

Pls handle the money VERY CAREFULLY especially on the sale day itself, always make sure that the treasurer is in charge of the money and someone has to take care of the money tin AT ALL TIME!

Note: Try to finish selling all the donuts/balloons/roses during lower sec recess, but keep about 1/4 of the roses/balloons/donuts for the upper sec recess lest the upper sec dont even have a chance to buy our stuff. ALWAYS HANDLE PREORDER VERY CAREFULLY, MAKE SURE THEY SIGN ON THEIR NAMELIST WHEN THEY COLLECT THEIR ROSES. be careful not to mix orders up or sell preorder to the rest. you can only sell their preorders after sch when the roses are not collected. i want some of you to do a price board, to indicate the prices of our donuts/balloons/roses so to avoid confusion. it doesnt have to be really pretty, just make sure that ppl can see the prices.

Like what i told Pertina, appoint some of you to be in charge of delivery and some to be at the stall. (tell me how many excuse slips you all need, try not to have more than 6 ppl, these 6 ppl pls dont be from the same classes, i need IC/AIC/Treasurer to be excused from lesson) There will be 2 slots for those at the stall, one is lower sec recess and the other is upper sec recess. And if you all cant finish selling the roses/balloons/donuts by both recesses, you all are supposed to stay back to FINISH the leftover after school to sell to the other school mate. You all can try your luck with your classmate, go and beg them if need to, or simply aim those couple in your class and make them buy! :D if not, some of you can also help to clear the leftover by buying them yourself! Last resort is to beg the teachers to buy! you know those married one, just ask them buy for their wife! eg, Mr Chua/Mr Soon. they are generous nice teachers! :))

Note: For delivery services, Alicia PL and Anna ACL will be doing the delivery for sec 4s ONLY. while i will be doing delivery service for my class, 4EP. yep, so for the rest of the delivery, sec 3s are in charge of it.

Some Sec 4s will be staying back on mon to help/teach you all how to wrap the roses. DO BRING ALL THE MATERIALS NEEDED THAT IS STATED FOR THE WRAPPING. crepe paper, cotton bud, aluminium foil, thick tape(those is really sticky, usually in blue, yellow, red and green colour), nice wrapper for individual flowers and newspaper(easy to clear up) etc

That will be all!
Do do your best for the sales and raise as much guides fund as possible <3

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Activity on 10/02/12 and Valentine's

YO Guides!

For activity on fri, fall in in guides half uniform at 2.30pm SHARP. (Sec 2 and 3, guide the sec 1 to fall in) Cut your fingernails, fringe pinned up (only black hair accessories allowed), 4-fingers high socks (if not we sell you socks!) esp. SEC 1S. For those whose lesson end late, pls also report at 2.30pm. Time will be given to you to eat later. Those who are absent for last activity, please take the initiative to pass your MC/Parents' letter to the ST’s before you fall in.
Those who haven submit their thinking day form. pls also submit your form to the ST before falling in.

For sec 2s and 3s, please bring along your Guides FULL Uniform with beret, hanger, scarf (ironed), world badge and POLISHED enrolment badge for CCA phototaking. ALL badges are to be sewn onto the full uniform for Sec 2s and 3s. Those who have missing items for their full uniform and attire will be given double punishments.
For sec 1s, please do wear WHITE PE tshirt (tucked in) with our school skirt for the photoshoot, those who did not wear white PE shirt will be barred from taking the photo.

Guides, make sure you look good in our cca photoshoot! :D

IMPORTANT: Sec 2 guides, pls help to ensure that your class chairman pass your class order list for valentine's latest to Pertina @ 3BN by thurs, tmr and the money by fri during recess. (kindly knock on the door and ask the teacher politely to look for Pertina since you all have different recess timing)

Sec 3 guides, do take the initiative to pass the order form and HELP TO COLLECT/ CHASE AFTER your class ppl who made preorder for the money by fri. Since this is a work assigned to you all, i expect all of you to help the IC/AIC/Treasurer out and split the work evenly. Especially during the wrapping of roses and pumping of helium balloons.

Note to all: if your classmate refused to pay, tell them that their preorder will not be entertain and thus they have to buy on the spot on tues. (there will also not be special wrapping service eg, wrapping into bouquet without preordering) and if they choose to buy on spot, there might be a shortage of roses and balloons.

Sec 1s: Guides Activity would end at 6pm from this activity onwards.

Sec 1s, 2s and 3s: I have CIP work for you all held on 24 March and 1 April. It is a dualthon event and 24 March is to distribute the race kit and 1 April  is the actual race event. PLEASE ASK YOUR PARENTS FOR CONSENT since this is not a school based CIP. Interested party pls find Ashley PS on fri after activity.

There will be thinking day rehearsal on 15, 17 and 21 Feb for all to attend. Details will be given again.

Thank you :)

Saturday 4 February 2012

WTD Green Pledge Coy 2 :D

Hi Guides! If you are in Coy 2, please take note of this! :D

COY 2 has been selected and approved to be a green pledge ambassador on WTD facebook page that will be officially launched on 18 Feb.

What is a green pledge?
A green pledge is a resolution to save the planet in a way that you can manage (eg reduce use of plastic bags by bringing recyclable bag to the supermarket, switching of lights after use, etc)
A WTD 2012 Facebook page will be set up. EVERYONE in COY 2 must share a picture/wall post on facebook to share their green pledges before 16 Feb 2012.

What you will need to do for now:
 - Brainstorm for ideas on what you want to post on the page.
 - It can be a wall post or a picture on your resolution to save the planet in ways that can be managed.
 - If you are posting a photo, you need to tell us why you choose the photo and show it to us. The photo must be appropriate and meet the guidelines below.
- If you are writing a wall post, you need to us what your idea is about.
- Please tell Anna ACL your brainstorm ideas by 10 Feb.
Pictures can be shared via:
- Instagram (iphone/ipads)
- Photo editor (blackberry)
- Photo editing software/apps (android phones)
- Adobe photoshop (computers –Mac/PC)
- Picture editing tools on Microsoft paint/powerpoint/word
Guidelines for pictures, comments, wall post on facebook page
1. Should not contain any obscene, vulgar and distasteful images or words
2. Should not insinuate or contain anything related to religion, ethnicity/race, politics, gender or any form of discrimination, mockery or bullying towards another person(s)
3. Should not contain any image that can identify another person (as some people are not agreeable to their photos being posted on the world wide web/facebook)

We will update you again when you will need to post the photo/wall post by. :) So right now, just brainstorm for ideas! :))

Thank you :D

~ Catherine :)

Important Courses

Hello Sec 3s.
Pioneering course is available for you on 3rd March (Sat) from 8.30am to 5.00pm at the HQ.
Thus far, people who told me they wanted to sign up are as follow: Vionna Ngoh Ee Qian, Fiona Ong Jia Ling, Chua Min Hui, Shailyn Soh Ginn Yee, The Xin Lei, Choo Kay Leen, Siow Jia Wen.
Any other Sec 3s who are interested but have yet to indicate please SMS 91481500 in the format of “Hello JafQi QM, I am _(name)_ and I would like to join the pioneering course. Thank you.”
[Deadline for SMS registration is 6 February, Monday.]
Please note that there are only 20 places available and each person will have to pay a fee of $20. This fee can be paid by edusave. For more information on pioneering course, please consult Lynn as she had already went for the course.

Hello Sec 3s who have been selected for footdrill badge.
I have forwarded the file of commands all of you have to memorize in BOTH English and Malay to Kezia. Please get your copy from her. Kezia please forward it to them instead of printing for all of them. It’s not your responsibility to print for them. Everyone is responsible for your own copy IF you want to print it out.

Hello Sec 2s and 3s.
As I have said during activity, there is a gadget making course available for you. Those who participate are most likely also the ones representing CCHMS Guides for camp challenges and East Division Day. The course is tentatively on 31st March from 8.30am to 12.00noon. A fee of $10 has to be paid and this fee can be paid through edusave. Please note that there are only 20 places available.
Thus far, people who told me they wanted to sign up are as follow:
Yap Ai Hui, Gwen Dolyn
Yip Lynn
Tan Si Jia
Ng Kai Ying
Fion Lee Ching Yi
Caroline Zhang Rong
Siow Jia Wen
Soh Tian Hui
Any other Sec 2s or 3s who are interested but have yet to indicate please SMS 91481500 in the format of “Hello JafQi QM, I am _(name)_ and I would like to join the gadget course. Thank you.”
[Deadline for SMS registration is 6 February, Monday.]

Hello Sec 2s and 3s.
There is a Civil Defence course that is COMPULSORY for all guiders. Currently, only 4 Sec 3s have already completed the badge and therefore they do not need to pay attention to this message. ALL Sec 3s will have to complete the badge this year while Sec 2s can choose to do it this year or the next. If Sec 2s choose to do it this year, they do not need to do it again next year.
The venue of the course is at HQ. Dates available are 10 March, 17 March and 28 March. 10 March can hold up to 49 people while 17 March and 28 March can hold up to 60 people. The course would most probably be from 9am to 1pm.
The course will be conducted at HQ and each person will have to pay a fee of $5. Most of you have indicated that you want to attend on 25 February. However, due to delay of application, that date is no longer available. Guides who have indicated that they want to attend the course on 25 February (name not in list) is to  SMS 91481500 in the format of “Hello JafQi QM, I am _(name)_ from _(class)_and I would like to join the Civil Defence course on _(date)_. My NRIC is _(NRIC)_. Thank you.”
[Deadline for SMS registration is 6 February, Monday.]
Siow Jia Wen

10 March
Caroline Zhang Rong

10 March
Yap Ai Hui, Gwen Dolyn
10 March
Ng Hwee Bee, May

10 March
Soh Tian Hui

10 March
Kezia Neo Hui Ting

10 March
Katty Teo Kai Heng

10 March
Chua Ying

10 March
Chua Hui

10 March

To Sec 2s and 3s.
Regarding the Energy Efficient Programme, please check against your name and ensure that you are in the correct dates. The course takes place from 9am to 11am on both days. You must ensure that you are able to make it for BOTH days.
Quan Fang, Angelica Julianne, Goh Kai Ying, Lim Jia Hui à four of you do not have your names on the list. Please sms me to indicate your preferred date. Please do take note of the number of spaces available for 20 people per session is the maximum the session can hold.
Xiao Rong, Amy, Xue Min, Yue Heng, Rachel, Andrea, Wei Ling à the seven of you do not need to fill in your names in the following box.
12 March and 15 March (MON/THU)
13 March and 16 March (TUE/FRI)
28 May and 4 June (MON/MON)
Tan Xin Hui
Yip Lynn
Lim Yi Lim, Desiree
Wong Si Min, Joei
Ng Kai Ying
Vionna Ngoh Ee Qian
Cherie Kwek Le Jie
Tan Jaymie
Siow Jia Wen
Priscillia Sunjaya
Kezia Neo Hui Ting
Ong Simin
Zhang Jing Yu
Choo Kay Leen
Tan Si Jia
See Yu Qing
Fion Lee Ching Yi
Koh Xin Le, Joey
Huang Lu Jing
Caroline Zhang Rong
Chevlene Ang Hui Min
Koh Jia Xuan
Han Ci Hui
Leow Si Yun
Koh Si Yun
Chua Hui
Katty Teo Kai Heng
Tan Ying Ying
Chua Ying
Ng Hwee Bee, May
Jazel Koh Chin
Yap Ai Hui, Gwen Dolyn
Pertina Seah Hui Xian
Cheng Wei Ting
Koh Qing
Soh Tian Hui
Tan Kai Ying Lynette
Lim Jie Ai
The Xin Lei
Bella Wong
Chua Min Hui
Tan Xiao Hui, Christie
Nyang Bing Pei
Fiona Ong Jia Ling
Tan Cai Leng
Lim Cheng Sing
Shailyn Soh Ginn Yee
Yap Hsin Chen
Xu Ya Qi

Lim Wei Ran
Charlotte Tan Hui Ming

Lim Jia Ying, Jasmine

